Saturday, April 14, 2012

How the price will be determined.

Select the desired coloured crystal. For example.....

Cost of the item : RM50

Select the base......

Wooden base
There are 3 sizes:-
Size A :  6.5cm x 9cm (additional RM 5 will be charged)
Size B :  5 cm x 9 cm  ( additional RM 10 will be charged )
Size C : 3.5 cm x 9 cm ( additional RM 15 will be charged )
Crystal base
Size C : 3.5 cm x 8 cm ( additional RM 20 will be charged )  

This is how the coloured crystal with wooden base will looks like.
Total cost would be:-
Size A : RM65 (RM50 + RM15)
Size A : RM60 (RM50 + RM10)
Size A : RM55 (RM50 + RM5)
This is how it looks when we match it with crystal base.
Total cost would be : RM85 (RM50 + RM20) 

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